The Archaeology Volunteer Lab
Join us for volunteer labwork on friday afternoons in 954 Schermerhorn Extension. We have a number of ongoing projects with volunteer opportunities. Drop in at any time between 1pm and 4pm pm to help with research being undertaken by Columbia faculty and graduate students. The lab will start up again for the spring semester on February 11th 2022 – contact Zoe Crossland for more information.
Some of our current lab projects include:
The Gorge Project
Research and analysis of materials collected by Prof. Severin Fowles
The Sacred Rice Project
Archaeobotanical materials collected in highland Madagascar by Prof. Zoe Crossland
The Duncan Strong Collection
Collection of Andean materials made by Columbia professor William Duncan Strong
Open Hours in the Osteology Lab
The osteology lab, 865 Schermerhorn Extension, is open to all students with an interest in human and other primate bones. No previous coursework or experience required. The lab is open for student explorations on most Friday afternoons. Contact Prof. Jill Shapiro at for details.
More information from Columbia College on other research opportunities