february, 2023

Event Details
This seminar will also be available through Zoom. Click here to join. Over the past two years, the Advanced Program of Ancient History and Art has continued to work at Hadrian’s
Event Details
This seminar will also be available through Zoom. Click here to join.
Over the past two years, the Advanced Program of Ancient History and Art has continued to
work at Hadrian’s Villa despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. This talk will present the many remarkable results achieved thanks to the dedication and professionalism of the APAHA team members and student excavators. Discoveries and accomplishments that will be discussed include: the final plan of the so-called Medianum Building; the rich long-term story of this building and those adjacent to it, with their complex sequence of phases; new mosaic floors, including the largest brought to light by APAHA to date; se
veral lead tokens featuring Egyptian deities, which shed new light on religious life at the villa; and the interpretation of masonry remains excavated in previous yearsas a stibadium, a structure for outdoor dining. Additionally, we will address the many new questions and avenues of inquiry that these findings open up. The talk will be followed by a reception—all are welcome!
(Friday) 4:10 pm - 6:00 pm EST
Columbia University, 807 Schermerhorn Hall
807 Schermerhorn