october, 2022

Event Details
Columbia Department of Art History and Archaeology presents: Bettman Lecture Series Laura Filloy Nadal, Metropolitan Museum of Art "Luxury Materials in Fifteenth-century Aztec Feathered
Event Details
Columbia Department of Art History and Archaeology presents:
Laura Filloy Nadal, Metropolitan Museum of Art
“Luxury Materials in Fifteenth-century Aztec Feathered Shields: Creation and Circulation”
Monday October 24, 2022 6:15pm EST
612 Schermerhorn Hall
Attendees are invited to a reception in the Stronach Center beginning at 5:30pm
Sponsored by the Department of Art History & Archaeology at Columbia University, the Bettman Lecture Series was endowed by Linda Bettman, a former graduate student in the department, and is named in her honor.
(Monday) 6:15 pm EST
Columbia University, 612 Schermerhorn Hall